El café aparece en resumen de MIT sobre principales drogas y neurotransmisores relacionados

MedLinks is sponsored and supported by the Center for Health Promotion and Wellness at MIT Medical.

Disclaimer: Do not misuse drugs. Do not use drugs for fun. Take drugs exactly as prescribed by a trustworthy doctor, and do not fear necessary prescription drugs because of terrible side effects on this chart (which, by the way, may be inapplicable or extremely rare in your case and have been considered by your doctor). This chart provides a rough overview of some common recreational drugs. This chart is an oversimplification, it has omissions, and it may have blatant inaccuracies due to ongoing scientific debate or the writer's ignorance. Important note: All of these drugs are dangerous, but none of these drugs is The Devil in Powdered Form. Every one of these drugs has been used with no visible detrimental effect by some lucky people, but every one of these drugs could also destroy your life. Why would you take the risk?

Chart compiled by Zak Fallows

Please ask questions, make comments, point out errors, and give suggestions by sending email to pharmacology@mit.edu.

Full chart here.

Un suizo dice que si plantamos 1 trillón de árboles, tal vez ganemos contra el cambio climático

Costa Rica tiene el 74% (según publicaciones de 2016) de áreas no protegidas, por ende campo para contribuir a esta tarea. Hay un estudio liderado por un suizo en ETH, que dice que con plantar 1 trillón de áreas o más un menos 1 billón de hectáreas mas de cobertura boscosa, tal vez le ganemos al cambio climático, de una manera eficiente (más barato que otras soluciones propuestas).